Vernon Richter's Trumpet Studio



When it comes time to upgrade to a professional level trumpet, ideally the Bach Stradivarious models, I can help you with that purchase ensuring what you are receiving is a quality instrument.  

If you are looking for a new instrument, I work with Houghton Horns and Bells Music Company.  My fee for these services are $100.00.  I will personally play the instruments detecting the quality and accuracy of the instrument as well as guide the student through the process as they play the instrument.  All trumpets do not play the same or sound the same. Hearing from behind the bell is WAY different than hearing in front of the bell and each trumpet can have a different "feel" to it.  This is where my 40+ years of experience comes in to play.  

If you are looking for a used instrument, I can help with that process as well.  I typically have students that are selling their horns and I can evaluate those instruments for you.  I typically already know how well the horn plays and sounds and can give you a recommendation on it without having to meet with you.  If you have found a trumpet maybe being sold online where we have to meet or I would need to play the trumpet, then the pricing is the same as above, $100.  This pricing includes if the trumpet is in my opinion not a good purchase and you decide not to purchase the trumpet.

Would you like to set up an appointment?  Just contact me and we can work out the details.

