“The Sound Triangle“ by Dante Speak, a GREAT quick video on how to really center your trumpet playing and how to adjust your tuning slide properly. This video is more relevant to high school abilities.
Do you like physics? Check this video out, it’ll make ya think!
How involved is the tongue in playing the trumpet, or in this case, the French horn? MASSIVELY involved. As you watch this video, be aware of the just how much the tongue is moving and how it really influences our pitch and note control.
Here’s a great practice method by InternatIonal Trumpet Soloist, Jens Lindemann, using a poker chip! This is almost a 2 hour video, all of it is GREAT! But start at the 1:23:45 mark for the Poker Chip explanation. Enjoy!
A very nice clinic for the aspiring trumpet professional, this is what you need to know!
Susan Slaughter, Professional Trumpet Player
High note clinic!