Vernon Richter's Trumpet Studio


For the school year 2023-2024, ALL beginners will be required to purchase 2 books for lessons and will need to have these books at all of their lessons.  It can either be in digital form, or hard copy form (the book itself).  These books will not be provided by me or the school and are the books that the student will be required to work out of during the week to prepare for lessons.  All of the books can easily be found on Amazon with the links below.

(Click each title below for link to Amazon to purchase)

My First Arban

Cornet Student

Both of these books will need to be purchased before the first lesson.  THIS IS REQUIRED MATERIAL FOR LESSONS.

NOT required, but highly recommended, is purchasing a monthly subscription to my online videos that will cover these four books with playing examples and teachings.  These videos will allow the student to listen to and play along with me throughout the week to accelerate the learning of the trumpet.  It will be "like having a lesson any or every day of the week".  There will be playing video examples and informational videos in the series.  The video's will be released in a timely manner based on the student's development.  The cost for this subscription is $24.00 per month per student.  Only students that are enrolled in weekly lessons will have access to the videos.

You may cancel or subscribe at any time.  

Click on the link below for an example of one of the video’s in the series.  Enjoy!

Playing Example


In this section, I will be updating from time to time how your personal embouchure is developing!

Brayden A., first lesson.

Alejandro B., first lesson.

Jay M. first lesson.

Elena S., first lesson.

Mason W., second lesson.

Anik G., second lesson.

Deegan W., second lesson.